Improve your credit to Purchase a home

copperleaf properties | Breckenridge, Texas


Purchasing property–whether buying a home, purchasing a business location, or adding acreage–can seem like an overwhelming task. In fact, for many people, buying a home is the largest purchase decision they will make in their lifetime. 

As Realtors, there are certain tips and tricks that we at Copperleaf Properties understand–such as how your credit score can affect your home buying process. Knowing your credit score is important for many reasons, and buying a home is no exception. In fact, your credit score plays a significant part in whether or not you will be approved for a mortgage loan. If you have a high credit score, lenders will typically approve you for more money and a low interest rate. However, if your credit score is low, this tells lenders that you might be unreliable when it comes to making payments on time. The lenders may charge you higher interests rates, lower your loan amount, or even deny your request for a loan altogether.

At Copperleaf Properties, we hope to educate our customers to make their real estate experience as enjoyable and stress-free as possible. Our team believes that being informed about your credit is a necessary step in the home buying process.

Here are nine ways to improve your credit score to buy a home.

Nine ways to improve your credit

#1: Check for errors in your credit report

You can download one free credit report each year. Take advantage of this! If you find errors, correct them immediately. 

#2: Pay down credit cArds

Transferring credit card debt from one card to another could lower your score. If possible, pay off the entire balance every month. 

#3: Don't MAX OUT credit cards

A large part of your credit score is based on how much of your available credit you are using. The closer your credit cards balances are to the limit, the more your credit score is hurt. Even maxing out one card is bad for your credit. 

#4: catch up on past due bills

If you have missed a few credit card payments, repaying at least the minimum amount needed to change your accounts status from delinquent to paid on your credit reports will prevent your score from falling further. 

#5: use a secured credit card responsibly

A secured credit card is the ideal tool for rebuilding credit. They offer nearly guaranteed approval because you’ll need to place a security deposit that will double as your spending limit. Secured cards are far less expensive than an unsecured credit card and you can’t tell them apart on a credit report. As long as you pay your monthly bills on time and avoid maxing out your spending limit, your score will gradually improve. 

#6: wait 12 months after credit problems to apply for a mortgage

It takes months to recover from bad credit, assuming you do everything right. After  this time period, you are penalized less severely. 

#7: Don't order items for you new home on a credit card

Making large purchases on your credit cards will affect your debt to income ratio. WAIT until you close on your new home to purchase new appliances and furniture. 

#8: Don't open new credit card accounts

Having too much available credit can lower your credit score. This will affect you negatively when applying for a mortgage.

#9: Shop for mortgage rates all at once

Having too many credit applications can lower your credit score. Usually, if submitted in a short time, multiple inquiries from the same type of lender are counted as one inquiry. 

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